Thursday, 4 March 2010

LA Women

Meet Hanna Beth, quintessential California dreamer ,born in New York raised in Los Angeles, is a model, fashion designer and favourite LA scene queen. Most known for her angeleno social status, buzznet and MySpace popularity. The Hanna Beth phenomena was created by the digital generation, but I noticed Hanna for her off beat, impeccable, personal style.

Usually photographed in fedora and wayfarers as a staple, Hanna mixes up her look with leopard print, laddered tights, shredded denim and a siren perfect Scarlett lip. Despite her impressive wardrobe (she has a jewellery box you would fight for) she has an impressive collection of tattoo’s, my favourite being the ink on her hands, wrists and arms pictured on her many twit-pics.

A firm fixture in New York and LA, at 21 Hanna is definitely going places. Where shall we see her next?

1 comment:

  1. She does have amazing style, thanks for making me aware of this fashionista.
    BTW, Ive added you to the links list on my site. xo
