Black and white movie stills, the beat of an old song, spine tingling quotes or just a simple photograph are one of the hundred ways to catch a glimpse of classic romance. One of my favourite photographs in the entire world, taken of the most effortlessly chic couple to exist, Jonny and Kate. So they aren’t together anymore and love didn’t conquer all, but this picture captures a special moment and to me is romance at is purest.
What makes these images, songs or quotes so special is the way that two people communicate to each other or how it connects to you. In the present day however communication is a terrible thing, gone is the nostalgia of life, the mystery, nothing is as simple as boy likes girl today. Not with toxics like the telephone, text messaging, instant messaging, email, facebook, twitter, voice notes, blackberry messenger, I could go on and on and surely we wouldn’t want to give any of these up? Not even for a chance of real romance? I’ll leave the decision to you….
‘True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights..if you hear bells ..get your ears checked’